Ethical Marketing Policy
Wicklesham Commercial Properties Ethical Marketing & Advertising Policy
Wicklesham is a company with strong values. Whoever we may deal with, and wherever we may operate, we are committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity.
Ethical marketing and advertising
Wherever we do business, we comply with all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to advertising and sponsorship. We also adhere to the principles laid out in the International Chamber of Commerce’s Code of Advertising and Marketing. The Code prescribes that all marketing communications should be legal, decent, honest and truthful.
Scope and Application
The ICC Marketing Code covers all forms of advertising and marketing communications, including digital advertising and social media. It is technology and media neutral. It applies to the entire marketing eco-system, guiding communications practitioners, advertising agencies, publishers, media owners, contractors and other participants including market influencers, bloggers, vloggers, affiliate networks, data analytics and ad tech companies as well as those responsible for preparing algorithms and the use of artificial intelligence for marketing communications purposes.
Article 1: Basic Applications
All marketing communication should be legal, decent, honest and truthful.
Article 2&3: Decency and Honesty
Marketing communications should not offend standards of decency currently prevailing in the country and culture concerned. They should not abuse consumers’ trust or exploit their lack of experience or knowledge.
Article 4: Social Responsibility
Marketing communications should respect human dignity and not incite or condone any form of discrimination or anti-social behaviour.
Article 5&8: Truthfulness and Substantiation
Marketing communications should not mislead the consumer with respect to the product. All forms of claims relating to verifiable facts should be capable of substantiation at the time of publication.
Article 9: Identification and Transparency
Marketing communications should be clearly distinguishable and when appearing in a medium containing news or editorial matter, where appropriate, labelled as such. They should not misrepresent their true commercial purpose.
Article 10: Marketer Identity
The identity of the marketer should be apparent.
Article 12&15: Fair Competition
Marketing communications should not denigrate or ridicule competitors or their products, other firms, organisations or persons. Marketing communications should not make unjustifiable use of the name, logo or trademark of another firm or institution, and should not take undue advantage of the goodwill belonging to others.
Article 19: Data Protection and Privacy
When collecting personal data from individuals, care should be taken to respect and protect their privacy by complying with relevant rules and regulations.
Article 23: Responsibility
Whatever the nature of the activity, medium or technology, responsibility is shared by all parties concerned, commensurate with their respective role in the process and within the limits of their respective functions.
Last reviewed: 2023